About Us
I am Katrina, founder of Manage Me ™ Life Management Systems. I founded the business in 2002 as a start-up following the success of my two self-help books My Health Manager © followed by My Life Manager©
I wrote these books off the back of my experience in University in the Bachelor of Science Degree followed by becoming a Registered Nurse and witnessing the inefficiency in sharing medical information in the healthcare profession. I recognized there was a better and more streamlined way to do this.
So, at 25, I developed a software program for electronic healthcare to help solve these issues. Though Canada was not ready for this sort of technology, a firm in the US was only too happy to buy it and reap the benefits of electronic healthcare. This inspired me to publish My Health Manager© in binder format as a self-help guide to all.
As a former and proud Girl Guide, the motto of always being prepared has stayed with me throughout my life. I got married and bought my first house under the age of thirty and went on to manage raising four incredible daughters. All this was possible because of my organizational skills. Friends were always impressed at how I managed to juggle my own life and work with my homelife raising four daughters. I said the secret was simple: life organization!
This inspired me to write my next book, My Life Manager© when my daughters were in high school to share my knowledge with friends and those far and wide who needed more organization in their lives. My husband Michael, a financial planner and investor businessman, also helped me to develop the budget and financial planning sections of the book.
It was received with great enthusiasm by my friends and family. The first print version of the book was simply a binder with tabs and plastic holders for paperwork and my original text. My daughters filled this full of school reports, university degrees and various other vital documents.
Now my daughters are adults themselves but still rely on “Captain Mom” as I’m known because of my regimented organizational skills for all their life management papers. Regularly I hear “hey Mom, can you scan and send me my university reports?” I asked why they couldn’t just take their own Binders to their own homes but concerns of loss or theft put them off. Not to mention knowing that Captain Mom’s fortress was the safest place to keep them.
This inspired the development of the digital My Life Pod© USB stick from Mange Me ™, LMS (Life Management Systems).
Because of my medical background, I also put my time into developing a healthcare version of this USB based software called My Health Pod©.
With these life and health organizational USB handheld devices making document and vital health information easily retrievable as well as safe and secure.
Katrina Mulberry
Founder & CEO of Manage Me™

We offer security
Whether its pondering a large purchase, asking for a bank loan, setting a goal, or wondering WHERE to keep (and then FIND) important receipts, reminders, warranties, resumes, school transcripts and job applications, health summary …
MANAGE ME LIFE POD has a place for it all and is suitable for anyone from recent graduate to retiree.
MANAGE ME LIFE POD contains 12 tabs with charts to complete via photo upload or notes for: